12 Stranger Safety Tips: Teach Your Child

12 Stranger Safety Tips: Teach Your Child

Make sure your child understands the following safety tips about strangers and suspicious behavior:

  1. A stranger is someone that your family does not know well.
  2. Don’t judge a stranger by their looks, but by their actions.  A stranger can look like anybody. They may look pretty, scary, or just normal, and not all strangers are dangerous.
  3. Recognize suspicious behavior – that is the way to know if a bad situation is starting (e.g. if a stranger asks you to keep a secret – don’t!  If a stranger asks you for help to find something (like a lost dog) – don’t!  If a stranger says or does something that makes you feel bad, embarrassed or uncomfortable, even if they offer to give you a treat – don’t let them!  Say no, yell, and run away!  If a stranger invites you into their home – don’t go in!  If a stranger offers you a ride – don’t take it!  If you think a stranger is following you – yell as loud as you can and run away!  If a stranger asks you to disobey your parents – don’t!  If a stranger asks you to do something that you are not supposed to do – don’t do it!  If a stranger asks you to give them personal information – don’t do it!)
  4. If a stranger or even someone you know shows suspicious behavior – this is something you should tell an adult that you trust.
  5. When you need help and you do not know the people around you, you should ask a safe stranger for help (e.g. police officers, firefighters, teachers, principals, librarians, people wearing uniforms that are not acting suspiciously)
  6. If you are in a bad situation, be confident and assertive. Tell the stranger, “no”, run away, and yell and scream as loud as you can for help – regardless of whether you are inside or outside, and then tell an adult you know or a safe stranger what happened as soon as possible.
  7. Trust your instincts, act confidently and be aware of your surroundings.
  8. Ask your parents for permission before you go anywhere (even if it is with someone you know).
  9. Make sure you know your parents current cell and work phone numbers.
  10. Know safe places to play, safe paths to take, safe places to go if a bad situation or emergency happens.
  11. It is usually safer to play with others rather than alone.
  12. Trusted adults that you know will help you when you need it.